
Egypt’s media environment has deteriorated significantly since 2014, with the Sisi government engaging in pervasive censorship and surveillance.

Since Egypt’s last review, Field Marshal Abdel Fatteh el-Sisi’s government has intensified its crackdown on civil society and the media. The government’s approach has suffocated political opposition and civil society activity in Egypt, with journalists facing threats of dismissal or imprisonment for criticising state authorities. A state of emergency has been in effect since April 2017, expanding police powers of arrest and surveillance, and suspending many rights protections. The Sisi government’s suppression of free expression has also extended into the online realm, with the 2018 Cybercrime Law and Media Regulation Law enabling far-reaching and disproportionate surveillance practices, and the censorship of online content. The 2018 Media Regulation Law introduced sweeping powers enabling the state to regulate and censor online media, and stifle journalists and activists’ rights to free expression, free assembly and privacy, in clear violation of international human rights standards.

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    Households with internet access in 2018

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    Individuals using internet in 2018

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    Fixed Broadband Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2018

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    Press Freedom Ranking in 2019

Upr cycle

Egypt was last reviewed in November 2019. Their next review is in 4 months, which is scheduled for November 2024. It is currently in the NGO submission phase of its UPR cycle. To find out more about the UPR lifecycle click on the Uproar Tools button

Digital Rights and Free Expression Recommendations

Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Cycle 4


    Partner organisations

    Over a hundred local and international human rights organisations are part of the wider Uproar programme. You can find them listed here.