Guarantee the freedom of expression and opinion online as well as offline for media and individuals, by correcting articles related to defamation and libel criminalizing criticism of politicians and blasphemy in the Penal Code.
Lebanon is located in Western Asia and has a population of 6.7 million people. Its 1926 constitution nominally protects free expression, press freedom and freedoms of assembly and association. However, both the Penal Code and the Publications Law contain penalties for defamation, libel, contempt, and blasphemy. Journalists, bloggers, and activists continually face judicial harassment under these laws. Citizens and residents are also subjected to privacy violations such as cyberattacks and device seizures from security forces and armed groups. The cost of internet services is also prohibitively high and the infrastructure is weak, limiting access.
Households with internet access in 2020
Individuals using internet in 2020
Fixed Broadband Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2020
Press Freedom Ranking in 2022
Upr cycle
Lebanon was last reviewed in January 2021.
Digital Rights and Free Expression Recommendations